You may not have heard of Black Future Month,
but it’s very easy to remember when it occurs;
it begins on June 18th,
and then quite coincidentally runs until June 18th
the following year.

In this special time, 
these few, treasured days, 
we look ahead, 
lucid dreaming our future, 
supported by the reality that where we are is never who we are,
and where we come from does not mandate where we can go.

The shows on this network represent creators who
recognize that their true power is the organic growth 
that only comes from experience; 
thus they will use this space to grow as artists, journalists, performers, and producers
 with the urgency that comes from knowing 

it’s already the 279th day of Black Future Month, 
and time is our most precious resource, 
and we’ve got to get a move on since there’s only 96 days left.

Glad you’ve joined us.

a michaels.adams. initiative

our mission

The Black-Future-Month.Org Initiative is a content creator fellowship program, with it's first focus on Black artists in the disability community worldwide.

This scalable and dynamic program serves as a talent incubator for artists seeking to establish their own channels and brands in this exciting time of online content.

Participants are required to submit a minimum of three 20 minute episodes of their shows; those selected will be featured on the website and offered creative and business advice with the goal of procuring sponsors for their brand, enabling them to expand their creative tools and create and add further 3 episode seasons.

The goal is for each creator to establish an independently funded creative channel which can be sustained through local business partners and built upon. While the overall project will work to obtain master funding – BFM.ORG will assist members with best practices for promotion and sponsorship strategies.

Season One of The Black-Future-Month.Org Initiative was collaboratively created by Keith Jones, co-founder of KripHop Nation and Soulful Media Works, Safiya Eshe Gyasi, Tameka Spruce, Diana Elizabeth Jordan, and editor Trelanda Lowe. Keith Jones will represent and curate the collection moving forward, and michaels.adams. will help BFM producers sharpen their creative and business skills.

Our first three featured creators will share their shows beginning in April; many more creators have submitted incredible work and will join them this year, establishing a catalog of exciting offerings from this unique and powerful voice within the Black experience.